City Tower and Clock is one of the symbols of Rijeka. During the restoration in 1873, the clock that showed the correct time at the World’s Exhibition in Vienna was installed in the Tower. This clock still works
Kroatien / Split-Dalmatien / Jelsa-Hvar / Jelsa webkamera Hvar – Pjaca
Kroatien / Zadar / Vir / Vir – Sv. Jurja Platz
Italien / Friaul-Julisch Venetien / Görz / Platz Vittoria
Spanien / Andaluzien / Ubrique / Ubrique (Cádiz)
Kroatien / Primorje-Gorski kotar / Krk / Krk webcam – Vela Placa
Kroatien / Gespanschaft Zagreb / Zagreb - Center / Zagreb – Tomić strasse