Crkvice roundabout was built as part of Zenicas street reconstruction project and is situated between Crkvice street and Martyrs alley. Along those streets there are Cantonal Hospital, Student Dormitory and Police Station, as well as FIFA/UEFA Training Center of Bosnian National Football Team, Arena sports hall, Dzananovic shopping mall
Croatie / Vukovar-Syrmie / Vukovar / Webcam Vukovar – Château d’eau, symbole Bataille de Vukovar (1991)
Italie / Frioul-Vénétie julienne / Tarvisio / Webcam Tarvisio – piste cyclable e Mangart
Croatie / Šibenik-Knin / Tribunj / Live Cam Tribunj
Slovénie / Podravje / Maribor / Maribor – Le pont de Tito
Croatie / Karlovac / Karlovac / Karlovac – pavillon de musique
Croatie / Lika-Senj / Senj / Webcam en direct Senj Riva – front de mer