Umag in Istria is the first city you will reach when approaching Istria from western Europe. Umag conquers with its allure, diversity and richness of the tourist offer. Umag is a town of around 13,000 inhabitants which with about 45 km of the coastline and interesting hinterland integrates special features of the whole region and might be the best introduction into a different experience of the Mediterranean.
Italia / Umbria / Perugia / Webcam Perugia – Borgo Medievale di Porta S.Pietro
Croazia / Litoraneo-montana / Selce / Selce Live webcam – piazza centrale
Slovenia / Savinjska / Celje / LiveCam Celje – Piscina principale
Croazia / Istria / Albona / Live webcam Labin (Albona) – Stari Grad – Istria – Croazia
Croazia / Regione della Lika e di Segna / Segna / Live webcam Senj riva – fronte mare
Croazia / Regione di Zagabria / Zagreb - Center / Zagabria – piazza Ban Jelačić
Croazia / Zaratina / Zara / Zadar – Circolo di canottaggio Jadran
Slovenia / Alta Carniola / Kranjska Gora / Livecam centro città di Kranjska Gora – webcam Slovenia